In keeping with our motto “Holding forth the Word of Life” the priority at Grimsby Bible Church is upon the teaching and straightforward preaching of the Bible. It is the Scriptures that have power to change lives, so it is them that are given the foremost place in the church’s ministry.
At Grimsby Bible Church we are committed to supporting the proclamation of the Gospel around the world. To this end we support missionaries both overseas and at home. Mission agencies that we currently support include Wycliffe Bible Translators and Pioneers.
At Grimsby Bible Church, you will also find a congregation of warm-hearted and welcoming people. We are people that love the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. But we are also people who strive to demonstrate the love of God towards others.
At Grimsby Bible Church we love what has come to be known as “the Doctrines of Grace.” These teaching celebrate the supremacy of God in salvation and greatness and the necessity of God’s grace to bring people to faith in Christ. Because of this passion, we are a member church of the Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Churches which share this with us.