
Nursery Services are available downstairs during Sunday services.  It is for children under four years of age.  There is space at the back of the church to sit with a small child or infant and participate in the service.  Parents are welcome and encouraged to keep children with them during the service.

sunday school

9:45 to 10:15 AM. Ages 4 to 12 meet downstairs and all others are together for the adult class upstairs. The curriculum used for our children is called: ‘Praise Factory’ created by Capital Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC


We run a youth programme in cooperation with Pilgrim Baptist Fellowship, Hamilton Ontario. Details can be provided upon request.


Ladies meet the 4th Thursday evening of each month.  Currently they are listening to Podcasts by Jen Wilkins on the Book of Judges

Men meet the 2nd Thursday evening of each month.  Currently they are watching Don Carson's dvd series titled "The God who is There."

mens bible study