Holding Forth the word of life
Philippians 2:16a
Mat comes from North Bay. He and his wife have just settled in the area. He is a graduate of Toronto Baptist Seminary and is a passionate preacher and teacher of the Bible. He also has the caring heart of a pastor and works hard to see people come to know Jesus and then become mature in their faith.
Mark raised his family in Hamilton where taught his whole career at Hillfield Strathallan College. He served for years as the Coordinator of the Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Churches and for decades, before moving to the Niagara Region, was an elder at Trinity Baptist Church in Burlington.
Mark is an experienced preacher, teacher and mentor as well as a beloved grandfather.
Wilfred and his family were missionaries in the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire) in the 80s. Later he was an Elder for many years at his church in Burlington. He, with his family moved to the Grimsby area to help establish Grimsby Bible Church. He travels to Zambia couple times a year with Wycliffe Canada as a Bible translation advisor.
Joel grew up in Grimsby and is raising his young family in the area. He also works in the area and is committed to serving his church and community. He loves Jesus and isn't shy to encourage others to put their trust in Him as well.
Phone: 416-882-0145